..shit (sorry for the word)..
8 + 1=9.yes, the world has gone nuts.everybody is seriously ill.this has gone too far.i cant believe everybody just thinks the same way.bad3p.i was so bad3p awhile ago because of this.why cant people stop thinking of the same thing?!.and why does the other person concerned do not want to help us get out of this?!.argh.if he doesnt care, then i do.the more it makes me bad3p.when will the world understand?!.someday, ill prove them wrong.=).cant wait for that day.haha.=).that would be years from now.good thing joseph texted me.=).made my day better.he knows when he should text.hehe.=).oh yeah,we saw each other last night.he was in the prusisyon.he texted me awhile ago and said that i looked cute.=).hmm, true or not, i dont care.at least heres one person who made me smile.=D.mababaw lang naman ako eh.you can easily make me happy.hehe.anyway, i wanna answer more survey.=).
1. Kissed your cousin: beso-beso.
2. Ran away: wanted to, but never done it.
3. Pictured your crush naked: nope.and i dont think ill ever do that.
4. Skipped school: yeah, but not because i cut class.
5. Broken someone's heart: nope.
6. Been in love: yeah, with shrek.=).seriously, no.
7. Cried when someone died: nope.
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yeah, japoy.=).
9. Broken a bone: hmm.nope.
10. Done something embarrassing: yep.
11. Lied: yep.
12. Cried in school: yep.sometimes.
13. Coke or Pepsi: oh yeah, pepsi.rach.=).haha.
14. Sprite or 7UP: tastes the same for me.=)
15. Girls or Guys: both.=)
16. Flowers or Candy: candies.u cant eat flowers.but, if ul give me tulips, id rather have the flower.=)
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: whichever looks better for the guy.
18. Blondes or Brunettes: hmm.dunno.
19. !@#$ or Slutty: none.
20. Tall or Short: in the middle.
21. Pants or Shorts: both.dpends.
22. Night or Day: both.
23. What do you notice first: face.=)
24. Last Person You Slow Danced With: i think that was with my dad in one of the weddings we attended before.
25. Worst Question To Ask: i dunno.
26. Fallen For Your Best Friend?: nope.dont have guy best frends.=)
27. Made Out With JUST A Friend?: YUCK.nope.
28. Kissed Two People In The Same Day? yeah, beso-beso.
29. Had Sex With Two Different People In The Same Day?: do i look like someone whod do that?!.=/
30. Been Rejected: hmm.as far as i know, not yet.
31. Hated them after it: ..
32. Done Something You Regret? well, only for a short time.i stop regretting it anyway.
33. You Touched?: i think my brother.
34. You Talked To?: nins.
35. You Hugged?: my brother.
36. You Instant Messaged?: nins.
37. You Kissed? my mom.
38. You Yelled At?: hmm.i dunno.maybe my sis.
39. You Thought About? hmm.=).
40. Who Text Messaged You?: charlie.=)
41. Who Broke Your Heart?: none.
42. Who Told You They Loved You?: family and frends.=)
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