After only 24 hours of getting fixed,our pc crashed AGAIN.How nice -- NOT.Grr.I swear I need to buy a new one!.It's so annoying.Anyway, yesterday was our fiesta and Karel, Chai, Karmin, Sceiy and Nard went to our house.Wala lang.haha.Pero asteeg!.There were bands playing and stuff.Saya!.hihi.Anyway...'yun lang.No, it's not actually YUN LANG.I'm just too lazy to make more kwento.ahihi.=).Maybe tomorrow.=).
People power?!
I watched Y speak last Sunday and their topic was about People Power.If our country need it again.Does it?!.I don't think so.Our country has this low economy and another People Power Revolution won't make it any better.It will actually only make it worse.We cannot afford to have another one.Not now.If we take out Pres. GMA now, are we assured that someone better than her can sit in the Malacanang?!.What if after GMA is ousted, someone worse than her will be in position?!.People were never contented with who the president was or is or will be.We always want to do another EDSA and another EDSA and another EDSA.Then what?!.After a few years people will want to oust or impeach the president and do another EDSA and so on.If our country keeps on doing these things, the more our economy won't grow.The more we will suffer.Why can't we understand that no matter who's in the government, there will always be flaws in what he is doing?!.That we cannot change a politician overnight.Meaning, it doesn't matter if we do EDSA revolution everyday.I don't mean that we shouldn't express what we feel or don't fight if we are oppressed.It's just that, a whole lot of people do not know what EDSA means anymore.(I quoted that one from Drew Arellano).People just go to this street, shout things and whatever but don't even know what they're fighting for.If you still love the Philippines, don't think of another revolution.It's going to bring us down even more.We don't need one right now.The government is doing something good.Although it's just slowly progressing, at least it is progressing.And as I've said, WE also need to work in order to make our country a better place.The country needs us so much.We cannot depend on the government alone.
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