the world's a stage

April 10, 2005

..happy happy joy joy!!!haha=)..

i wont make this entry long since nothing new happened today.well, except for one particular thing that suddenly made my day.=).uhmm, wanna guess?!.yeah, i saw gabby.haha.babaw!.=).do you even need to guess?! so predictable.=).i wasnt actually expexting him to be there.although, i was HOPING.=).its quite different.=).i know he doesnt go to church every sundays (what i know is he goes to church every saturdays).but he actually did today!!.=).haha.=).we were THIS.CLOSE.hehe.=).hmm, we (nardo and i) were talking about him (gabby) last night and yeah, i learned more things about him.well, not so really good things.=/.errr, never mind.hehe.=).still, i want to meet him again.and meeting again means knowing each other.=).its been a LONG LONG time since we last talked (which i dont even remember when and i dont even remember talking to him before, but i suppose we did talk.haha).so only hope now is joseph.he promised me that hell get gabby's number for me.=).he just txted me now and apologized for having not able to get it yet but promised hell get it soon.we saw each other din kanina eh, that's why he probably remembered.=).i hope i get to get the number real soon.=)


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