the world's a stage

September 19, 2006


Yes, a lot of things have changed since then. I was going over my past entries and noticed how much changes there have been for the past year and couple of months in my life. I can't believe I went through all of what I went through. It seemed so fast. Everything was just so fast that I almost forgot half of what happened, of what I felt, of what went on.

Around this time last year, I was ranting. Ranting about all the wrong things that have been happening in my life, about my parents and most of all, ranting about me being invisible and being stupid enough to allow myself to be invisible. I still am but it doesn't matter anymore. Since then, I learned, little by little, step by step, how not to care. Slowly but surely was how I put it. It was a struggle but I needed to get out of there and I did, after getting bruises. But no, I have nothing to regret about. I would even consider it one of the most important part of my life. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't learn, I wouldn't know, I wouldn't feel. Yes, it made me more vulnerable and I love it.

It was a rough road but I made it. And although the feeling still haunts me every now and then, it doesn't matter. It was special, like fairy dusts which are so magical, it changed me. And though my story isn't quite the same, I became CInderella. Since then, everything changed and nothing will ever be the same.

i want to be...

Remember how when we were still kids, we were frequently asked by our parents what we wanted to be when we grow up? Some would say "I want to be a doctor!" or "I want to be an astronaut!" I was different. While everyone wanted these careers, what I would often say was "I want to be a painter!" Yes, believe it or not, I wanted to be a painter. Before, what I wanted to do was paint, paint and paint. But of course, as time passed by, as I grew older and as I started to realize what I really wanted, I did change my mind. This year I made up my mind and said that I want to take Comm Arts for college. I wanted to do advertising. Lately, I realized that I want to do graphics, you know, those computer stuff. But I also want to do another thing, which is cooking. I want to take culinary arts too. I just realized I have this passion for cooking and I do want to cook food for people. Now I don't know what to do. I'm torn between two things I like.


Remember I told you I got 8th place in the pagsulat ng tudling for the whole of Cavite? Well, we were told that we were going to compete for the regionals. It's so overwhelming to be able to get to the regionals. I don't expect to win there and go to the nationals but I hope I do. But right now, I'm just happy to be qualified for the regionals. Go me. haha


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